Have a business trip or family vacation coming up? Some people manage to travel all over the world without getting sick. If you’re not one of the lucky ones, there’s still ways to make sure you’re prepared for your upcoming trip. Here’s some tips you can use to healthy throughout your travels.

Before Your Trip

Strengthen your immune system

Scientific evidence about using supplements to prevent cold and flu isn’t yet conclusive, but it doesn’t hurt to take them if you used them in the past, says Phyllis Kozarsky, M.D., the CDC’s travelers’ health consultant. Who is also a frequent traveler.

Pack these items

Hand sanitizer with at least 50% alcohol; disinfecting wipes; clothing or a coat that can be used as a blanket; a travel pillow; bandages; and nasal spray.

Wear glasses instead of contact lenses

Dry eyes are a common result of wearing contact lenses. You are less likely to touch your face or rub your eyes if you’re wearing glasses.

At Airports, Train Stations, and Other Public Spaces

Stay at least six feet away from people who are sick

Viruses exhaled by someone who is flu-infected can travel up to six feet and make their way into your respiratory system.

Sanitize hands after touching germy area

Use sanitizer after touching any item or area that is touched by a lot of people. For example, ATM’s, bins in the security line, and door handles.

Use public bathrooms with caution

If possible do not place bags or luggage on the ground. Avoid touching as many surfaces as possible while using the restroom. Wash your hand with soap and water for a full 15 seconds before drying hands. Also, try to use automatic sinks, soap dispensers, and hand dryers.

Wear your socks through the security line

Obtaining fungal infections in an airport are low, because the floor would need to be damp. But, you can still pick up items on the ground that can be later transmitted to yours hands, socks help to prevent this.

Buy a bottle of water before boarding the plane

Tap water has improved a lot in the last decade but if you consider brushing your teeth or washing your face, use bottled water when possible.

On a Plane or Train

Clean your seating area

Unfortunately, flight attendants have little time between flights to properly disinfect seats on a plane. Use sanitary wipe to clean all surface areas like the arm rest and folding tray. Bacteria can stay on surfaces for a couples hour or a couple days.

Point the overhead air vent down in front of your face

This helps to steer airborne bacteria away from your face and help stop it from entering your respiratory system.

Use your hand sanitizer consistently

The longer your flight, the high risk of getting sick. Use sanitizer any time you touch surfaces like the over head storage or luggage handles.

Pay attention to your armrest if you’re in an aisle seat

Arm rest are common area to find bacteria. The aisle seat comes in contact with anyone who walks down the aisle of the plane. Be sure to clean it thoroughly.

Using Ground Transportation

Find the least crowded spot possible

Being in a less crowded area, lowers your chances of coming in contact with bacteria. It may be hard, but when possible try not to sit near a group of people.

Take a seat

Use a seat when available. Items like handles, poles, or straps carry more bacteria because they are constantly used on public transportation.

Sanitize your hands after leaving

Wether you used a seat or held on to hand rail, be sure to sanitize your hands after using transportation.

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